主日敬拜周日10:00 am
华人会众与主教会一起上午10:30敬拜。 在敬拜期间,大家可以通过手机链接通过耳机聆听普通话在线翻译。 华人会众可以在隔壁的大厅里参加普通话的讲道。

华人会众的孩子们可以参加教会的青年和儿童活动。 也就这是JC 儿童组和Max组。 Plus1(7-13学年)于周日晚上6-8点在教会举行,对所有青年人开放。 目前有两个家庭小组 


如有任何疑问,  请发邮件给 Carole.




Church service 10.00am
The Chinese congregation is integrated with the main 10.00 am Church service. Translation into Mandarin is available during the service, through people’s mobiles and ear buds. The Chinese Congregation can hear the sermon in Mandarin in an adjacent hall.
Sunday School
Children from the Chinese congregation attend the main church’s youth and children’s program. This is either JC Kids or Max group. Plus1 (school years 7-13) is held at the church on Sunday evenings 6-8pm and is open to all youth.